Solving the Gierer-Meinhardt model using Julia

Learning how to discretize and solve a reaction-diffusion system in Julia

Solving the Gierer-Meinhardt model using Julia

The Gierer-Meinhardt model is defined as follows:

$$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = D_u \Delta u + \rho\frac{u^2}{v} - \mu_u u + \rho_u $$

$$ \frac{\partial v}{\partial t} = D_v \Delta v + \rho u^2 - \mu_v v + \rho_v, $$


  • $u$ being a short-range autocatalytic substance, or in other words, an activator,
  • $v$ being its long-range antagonist, or in other words, an inhibitor, and,
  • $\Delta = \sum\limits_{i = 1}^{n} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x_i^2}$ being the n-dimensional Laplace operator.

In the Gierer-Meinhardt equations, the autocatalytic substance activates both itself and the inhibitor substance (with rate $\rho u^2)$, whereas the inhibitor function inhibits the growth of the autocatalytic substance (with rate $\frac{1}{v})$. Both substances have a natural decay rate of the form $\mu_u u$ and $\mu_v v$ respectively. Finally, both substances have an activator-independent production rate ($\rho_u$ and $\rho_v$).

For the right choice of parameters, pattern formation can be observed in the solution of the Gierer-Meinhardt model.

More info on the Gierer-Meinhardt model can be found in this scholarpedia article.

Solving the system

We’ll solve the following IBVP:

$$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial t} = D_u \Delta u + \rho\frac{u^2}{v} - \mu_u u + \rho_u $$

$$ \frac{\partial v}{\partial t} = D_v \Delta v + \rho u^2 - \mu_v v + \rho_v $$

$$ u(x,y,0) = \exp{\left(-(x-a)^2-(y-a)^2\right)}, \quad \forall (x,y) \in (0,L)^2$$ $$ v(x,y,0) = {\rm rand}(), \quad \forall (x,y) \in (0,L)^2$$ $$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial n}(x,0,t) = \frac{\partial v}{\partial n}(x,0,t) = 0, \quad \forall x \in [0,L]$$ $$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial n}(x,L,t) = \frac{\partial v}{\partial n}(x,L,t) = 0, \quad \forall x \in [0,L]$$ $$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial n}(0,y,t) = \frac{\partial v}{\partial n}(0,y,t) = 0, \quad \forall y \in [0,L]$$ $$ \frac{\partial u}{\partial n}(L,y,t) = \frac{\partial v}{\partial n}(L,y,t) = 0, \quad \forall y \in [0,L] .$$

We start by initializing the parameters

Du = 1;
Dv = 100;

ρ_u = 0.5;
ρ_v = 0;
ρ = 1;
μ_u = 1;
μ_v = 6.1;

a = 5;

L = 100;

Then, we discretize the 2D space grid

sizez = L;  # size of the 2D grid
dx = 100.0 / sizez;  # space step

and then we discretize time

T = 150.0;  # total time
dt = 0.0003;  # time step
n = floor(Int, (T / dt));  # number of iterations

nvis = 500; # saves every nvis time steps

Next we use a random seed in order for the results to be the same across multiple runs and set the initial conditions

using Random
U = [exp(-(x-a)^2-(y-a)^2) for x in 1:1:sizez, y in 1:1:sizez];
V = rand(sizez, sizez);

Consequently, we initialize two matrices for the inside of the grid, and five matrices that will help us compute the Laplacian

Uc = zeros(Float64, sizez - 2, sizez - 2);
Vc = copy(Uc);
Ztop = copy(Uc);
Zleft = copy(Uc);
Zbottom = copy(Uc);
Zright = copy(Uc);
Zcenter = copy(Uc);

Finally, we initialize a 3D matrix, in order to save $u$ every $nvis$ time steps

UR = zeros(sizez, sizez, floor(Int, n/nvis));

We define a function in order to discretize the Laplacian, using the broadcasting abilities of Julia and the @views macro.

@views function DLaplacian(Z) # Centered differences discretization of the Laplacian
    Ztop .= Z[1:end-2, 2:end-1]
    Zleft .= Z[2:end-1, 1:end-2]
    Zbottom .= Z[3:end, 2:end-1]
    Zright .= Z[2:end-1, 3:end]
    Zcenter .= Z[2:end-1, 2:end-1]
    return (Ztop .+ Zleft .+ Zbottom .+ Zright .- 4 .* Zcenter) ./ (dx^2)
DLaplacian (generic function with 1 method)

We then proceed to iterate the solution beginning from the second timestep and ending in timestep $n$.

@views begin
    j = 1
    for i in 2:n
        Uc .= U[2:end-1, 2:end-1]
        Vc .= V[2:end-1, 2:end-1]
        U[2:end-1, 2:end-1] .= Uc .+ dt .* (Du .* DLaplacian(U) .+ ρ_u .- μ_u .* Uc .+ ρ.* (Uc.^2)./Vc )
        V[2:end-1, 2:end-1] .= Vc .+ dt .* (Dv .* DLaplacian(V) .+ ρ_v .- μ_v .* Vc .+ ρ.* Uc.^2 )
        for Z in (U, V)  # Neumann boundary conditions
            Z[1, :] .= Z[2, :]
            Z[end, :] .= Z[end-1, :]
            Z[:, 1] .= Z[:, 2]
            Z[:, end] .= Z[:, end-1]

        if i%nvis == 0
            UR[:,:,j] .= U
            j += 1

We notice interesting spot-like patterns in the solution for $t = 1000 \cdot dt \cdot nvis$

using CairoMakie

joint_limits = (0, 17)

time_step = 1000
time = time_step * dt * nvis

fig = Figure(backgroundcolor = "#9B89B3",
             resolution = (600, 600))
ax = Axis(fig[1,1],
          title = "Solution of the Gierer-Meinhardt model \n for t=$(time)",
          xlabel = "x",
          ylabel = "y")
hmr = CairoMakie.heatmap!(ax, UR[:,:,time_step])
Colorbar(fig[:,end+1], colorrange = joint_limits, label = L"U")


Of course, if we want to speed things up, we’ll want to wrap the above code in a function

using Random

@views function GiererMeinhardt() 
    Du = 1;
    Dv = 100;
    ρ_u = 0.5;
    ρ_v = 0;
    ρ = 1;
    μ_u = 1;
    μ_v = 6.1;
    a = 5;
    L = 100;

    nvis = 1000
    sizez = 100  # size of the 2D grid
    dx = 100.0 / sizez  # space step
    T = 150.0  # total time
    dt = 0.0003  # time step
    n = floor(Int, (T / dt))  # number of iterations
    Uc = zeros(Float64, sizez - 2, sizez - 2)
    Vc = copy(Uc)
    Ztop = copy(Uc)
    Zleft = copy(Uc)
    Zbottom = copy(Uc)
    Zright = copy(Uc)
    Zcenter = copy(Uc)

    U = [exp(-(x-a)^2-(y-a)^2) for x in 1:1:sizez, y in 1:1:sizez]
    V = fill(1.0, sizez, sizez)

    UR = zeros(sizez, sizez, floor(Int, n/nvis))
    function DLaplacian(Z) # Centered differences discretization of the Laplacian
        Ztop .= Z[1:end-2, 2:end-1]
        Zleft .= Z[2:end-1, 1:end-2]
        Zbottom .= Z[3:end, 2:end-1]
        Zright .= Z[2:end-1, 3:end]
        Zcenter .= Z[2:end-1, 2:end-1]
        return (Ztop .+ Zleft .+ Zbottom .+ Zright .- 4 .* Zcenter) ./ (dx^2)
    j = 1
    for i in 2:n
        Uc .= U[2:end-1, 2:end-1]
        Vc .= V[2:end-1, 2:end-1]
        U[2:end-1, 2:end-1] .= Uc .+ dt .* (Du .* DLaplacian(U) .+ ρ_u .- μ_u .* Uc .+ ρ.* (Uc.^2)./Vc )
        V[2:end-1, 2:end-1] .= Vc .+ dt .* (Dv .* DLaplacian(V) .+ ρ_v .- μ_v .* Vc .+ ρ.* Uc.^2 )
        for Z in (U, V)
            Z[1, :] .= Z[2, :]
            Z[end, :] .= Z[end-1, :]
            Z[:, 1] .= Z[:, 2]
            Z[:, end] .= Z[:, end-1]

        if i%nvis == 0
            UR[:,:,j] .= U
            j += 1
    return UR

resG = GiererMeinhardt();

Finally, we make a nice little video illustrating how the pattern formed

using CairoMakie

joint_limits = (0, 17)

fig = Figure(backgroundcolor = "#9B89B3",
             resolution = (600, 600))
ax = Axis(fig[1,1],
          title = "Solution of the Gierer-Meinhardt model",
          xlabel = "x",
          ylabel = "y")
hmr = CairoMakie.heatmap!(ax, resG[:,:,1])
Colorbar(fig[:,end+1], colorrange = joint_limits, label = L"U")

nframes = 10
framerate = 30
iterator = 1:2:500

output_gif = record(fig, "GiererMeinhardt.mp4", iterator;
        framerate = framerate) do t
    CairoMakie.heatmap!(ax, resG[:,:,t], colorrange = joint_limits)

Of course, different initial conditions and parameter values, will change the behavior of the model. So, download the notebook and do some experimenting!

Vasilis Tsilidis
Vasilis Tsilidis
PhD Student

My research interests include Mathematical Biology, Dynamical Systems and Artificial Intelligence.