Mathematical modeling of tumor-immune system interactions: the effect of rituximab on breast cancer immune response

NK cells lyse different tumor cell lines in different ways. The functional response of this lysis seems to follow a Michaelis-Menten function, with the variable being the ratio of NK cells to breast cancer cells, and the parameters depending on the tumor cell line.


tBregs are a newly discovered subcategory of B regulatory cells, which are generated by breast cancer, resulting in the increase of Tregs and therefore in the death of NK cells. In this study, we use a mathematical and computational approach to investigate the complex interactions between the aforementioned cells as well as CD8$^+$ T cells, CD4$^+$ T cells and B cells. Furthermore, we use data fitting to prove that the functional response regarding the lysis of breast cancer cells by NK cells has a ratio-dependent form. Additionally, we include in our model the concentration of rituximab - a monoclonal antibody that has been suggested as a potential breast cancer therapy - and test its effect, when the standard, as well as experimental dosages, are administered.

Journal of Theoretical Biology
Vasilis Tsilidis
Vasilis Tsilidis
PhD Student

My research interests include Mathematical Biology, Dynamical Systems and Artificial Intelligence.